When the sun rises I think of a new day as a new world I want to meet. So,in my eyes I see the colour of a rose full of dew drops. In my mind are all the wonderful places i saw or hope to see and in my heart there is the emotion of a new adventure. Come with me in my world of beauty!

House of roses

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.
Carl Jung
The more frightening the world becomes...the more art becomes abstract.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


"I dream a lot. I do more painting when I'm not painting. It's in the subconscious."
Andrew Wyeth

It is the way I am working these days.
Reading, dreaming and being enraptured by the creations of the artists, accidentally ( or not) I have met in the last days.
So, I invite you to meet:
Ruth Rea
A very talented lady who inspired me and make me feel so lucky to see her creation.
Sidival Fila
A great artist who can give us the power to open the door of our souls and to find the seed of our happiness and the sadness of our sins. But, most of all, the miracle hidden in the materials round about us.

And one of my paintings during the winter

Piece after piece


the secret

of my hope


and ...



Rose Johnston said...

Your painting is beautiful!! To be honest, with art, i know what i love and i love what i see!! As a quilt designer, i design from my heart and hope that somewhere, some family is wrapped in that same warmth and sharing that same special feeling i have wth my family!!!
Hugs xxx

Nihal said...

Happy spring and happy Martisor, Sma! Happy 1st of March! I'm very happy to see that Spring is over there like Istanbul:)
I'm sorry for being late to present my Martisor wishes, but recently my work kept me really busy, and finally I could find a piece of time freely to reach you. What a talent, the painting is gorgeous!
Have a nice weekend, and lots of my love.
~ N via CrossRoads ~

Merle said...

Dear Sma ~~ Lovely painting ~ clever lady.
Glad you were able to put the cat on. His white paws show up better on your blue background, and he looks cute. I don't worry about St Patrick's Day, and I think the guys use it as an excuse to drink more
beer, green at that. Yuk.
Take great care, my friend. Love, Merle.

Marie said...


just dropping by to wish you a Holy & Sacred Easter:)

Peace & love to you always:)

Marie xoxoox

Teodo said...

Sma it's wonderful to dream with the eyes opened...........
your winter painting it's so different! It is like us..... a patchwork of moments..... that you have stopped in your masterpiece.

Thanks for our Easterwishes and many wishes for yours in April.
ciao ciao

myosotis said...

What a beautiful dream, Sma

happy Easter (late, but thank God the liturgical easter period does not last only one day!)

Unknown said...

ohh i love your painting Sma really beautiful

SMA said...

Thank you Liane! It is a surprise for me to have your attention. Unfortunately I can't see your "universe".Hope to know you better.
Hugs, Sma