When the sun rises I think of a new day as a new world I want to meet. So,in my eyes I see the colour of a rose full of dew drops. In my mind are all the wonderful places i saw or hope to see and in my heart there is the emotion of a new adventure. Come with me in my world of beauty!

House of roses

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.
Carl Jung
The more frightening the world becomes...the more art becomes abstract.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Manastirea Barsana, Maramures

Sunt locuri unde lumina se aseaza,
iar linistea canta melodii domoale...

There are places where the light sits,
And the silence whispers soft songs…

Caldura lemnului sporeste
ecoul gandurilor

The warmth of the wood enhances
The eco of thoughts

si securea , uneori, lasa in urma
dantela si culoare.

And the tomahawk sometimes leaves behind
Lace and color.

Asfintitul inmoaie verticala
si Cerul mangaie crestetul turlei.

The sunset comforts the heights
And the Sky caresses the top of the spire.

Pelerin la intalnirea cu toamna...

Pilgrim meeting the autumn…


Marie said...

WOW Sma:)

what beautiful pictures? Thankyou for sharing them:).

On our blog I have begun a request to pray for world peace. I hope that many who blog will join both Ginny and myself and place a prayer for world peace on their own blog at least once a week?

Please take a peek at 'View from the Pews'. I hope you will join us in this endeavour?

Peace & blessings to you:)


Autumn said...

Your country is indeed beautiful, Sma!

Sending lots of love & prayers to my friend :¬)

Karen Cole said...

Nice to meet you , Sma!

Thank you for visiting me and your lovely comments. I appreciate them very much.

Your blog IS full of beauty. Your paintings and poetry are incredible. I am in awe of so many bloggers that have such a command of the english language. I could not write a poem!!

I'll be back.


@irina_sweet_home said...

e superb,n-am fost niciodata la Barsana, sper sa ajungem si noi candva.

Lapa said...





He has, also, translated into Portuguese the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith.

He has been awarded several prizes.

Don't forget the name of this great author, you'll be hearing of him soon.

Please, add this literature blog to your favourites.

Thanks for visiting.

Teodo said...

ciao these places are so relaxing......
thanks for all the pics.
ciao ciao

Nihal said...

Wonderful snapshots from beautiful Romania in hearts... Can hardly resist to see more;) Again many thanks from heart to you Sma, for sharing this beauty with all of us. May peace, love and faith be with us always. Take good care & Good evening wishes from a bright clear Istanbul skyline:)

Merle said...

Hi Sma ~~ Lovely pictures
that I presume were taken in your country. They look great.
Thank you for your comments on my blog. You have been very busy planting tulips so that you will have lovely color in
the Springtime. It is a good tiredness when we get things like that done. Take care,
Love, Merle.

Karen Cole said...


I just returned from a family luncheon. My cousins and I are putting together information about our grandparents and great-grandparents. We always thought they were from Hungary. It turns out , since borders have changed over the years, they are actually from what is now Romania!

I was told the towns are called Timisoara and possibly Bocsa.

I just wondered if you might know of these places.

myosotis said...

Beautiful photos and poem, Sma
I realize that I could understand much of it, as Romanian is similar to Italian

Shosannah said...

These pictures are magical.
And your beautiful words enhance their magic!
Blessings to you :0)


Ce surpriza placuta! Bisericile de lemn din Maramures sunt locuri minunate de taina si popas. Eu nu am reusit inca sa le simt pe viu.
Foarte frumoase cuvinte si fotografii. Iti simt lipsa pe grup.

Unknown said...

Super SMA :)
Pentru cei care nu stiu: Manastirea Barsana este a doua ca inaltime din Europa dupa o biserica din Franta (cel mai probabil sunt excluse catedralele).
Cea mai frumoasa manastire din romania.