When the sun rises I think of a new day as a new world I want to meet. So,in my eyes I see the colour of a rose full of dew drops. In my mind are all the wonderful places i saw or hope to see and in my heart there is the emotion of a new adventure. Come with me in my world of beauty!

House of roses

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.
Carl Jung
The more frightening the world becomes...the more art becomes abstract.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Aiud, an old town
with dusty memories
sad streets
a lot of questions
about the future
and a prison.
Only the old fortress
tells us a story about
old times
and brave men.
A short business trip
and some pictures.
Holiday begins !


Anonymous said...

very nice pics, and I'm now intregued by this town!
ciao from Rome

Autumn said...

Lovely pictures, Sma!

Shosannah said...

Lovley to "see" you back. Looks like you had a wonderful trip:0)
The pictures are magical.

Robilix said...

if you are interested in that city you are welcome on the city webpage at www.aiudonline.ro :)