7 things about me ;)
Am fost nominalizata de Dora sa scriu 7 lucruri despre mine si apoi sa nominalizez alte 7 persoane sa faca acelasi lucru despre ele. Sunt curioasa ce veti spune despre mine... si despre... voi ;).
Iata ce am de zis :
- Imi plac diminetile.
- Sunt dependenta de culori.
- Admir originalitatea frantuzeasca dar stilul british ma face sa ma simt bine.
- Am 3 Sf-uri preferate: ET, Substanta verde si K-PAX.
- Citesc poeziile cu emotia din adolescenta.
- Cand stau in fata sevaletului ascult Katie Melua.
- Nicolae Steinhard mi-a aratat calea catre Dumnezeu.
Here are seven random facts about me:
1.I like mornings.
2.I’m addicted to colors.
3.I admire the French originality but British style makes me feel good.
4. My 3 favorite SF movies are: E.T., Soylent Green, K-PAX.
5.I enjoy poetry as I did in my teenage years.
6.When I’m in front of my easer I listen to Katie Melua.
7 Nicolae Steihardt has shown me the way to God.
And now, the other 7: Rodo , Silvain , AutumnRose , Freddi , Teodo , Pia , Jo in NZ
THANKS FOR TAGGIN ME, I'll do it during the day.
Ciao from Rome
PS: just a hint for now I LOVE MORNINGS TOO!!!!!!!!
very nice :))
Subscriu si eu la primele trei puncte!! Si ...imi place si mie K-pax! :))
Thanks for the tag, Sma! I will do it tomorrow :)
I did mine today! :)
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