Paste Fericit Crestinilor Ortodocsi !Happy Ester for the Orthodox Christians!
Domnul a inflorit gradinile
pentru ca noi sa-I vedem frumusetea.
Our Lord has bloom the gardens
For us , to see His beauty.
A dat culorile, ochilor nostri nestiutori
Si noi am invatat sa-I simtim lumina.
He gave the colors for our ignorants eyes
And we learned to feel His light.
S-a dat pe El
nu pentru a ne impovara cu vina
ci pentru a ne arata calea iubirii.
He gave His own life
Not to blame us
But to learn us the way of love.
Ne-a dat calea iubirii
stiind ca putem sa-L urmam.
He gave us the way of love
knowing that we can follow Him.
Frumusetea, lumina si iubirea
sa va inunde inimile si casele
in asteptarea INVIERII.
Beauty, light and love
be with you, in your hearts
and in your homes
while you'll waiting for RESURRECTION.