When the sun rises I think of a new day as a new world I want to meet. So,in my eyes I see the colour of a rose full of dew drops. In my mind are all the wonderful places i saw or hope to see and in my heart there is the emotion of a new adventure. Come with me in my world of beauty!

House of roses

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.
Carl Jung
The more frightening the world becomes...the more art becomes abstract.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Today I'm 47.
Life is wonderful.
Thank You Lord!


myosotis said...

Happy Birthday Sma!! I'm glad I stopped by to celebrate with you!

Unknown said...

Thank you Pia.It's nice to have you here today!

Teodo said...

I stopped yesterday and I told me ......where is Sma?
A big kiss and many wishes from Italy........I know that you love my country.
ciao ciao

SMA said...

Thank you Linda! I'm happy for your wishes from Italy.

corina said...

Felicitari, draga mea, sa-ti ramana inima la fel de tanara iti doresc!

SMA said...

Multumesc mult Corina. Are mari sanse daca sa in preajma voastra. Te pup!

Shosannah said...

Happy Birthday to you SMA!
BTW) You have an award waiting for you over at my place:0)
WEll deserved and a belated birthday present from me lol:0)

Petit Patch said...

Aniversare Fericita, multe flori în gradina ta si numai bucurii, Smaranda

SMA said...

Thank you Suzy! You are so kind. And thank You for the gift!
God bless you!

SMA said...

Multumesc Smaranda! Astept cu nerabdare primavara si florile din gradina mea. Iti urez si tie o gradina inflorita si doldora de impliniri pe toate planurile.

Ela said...

Imi pare rau ca-ti spun cu intarziere "LA multi ani! "fericiti si multa sanatate!
Am admirat picturile tale si inca o data m-au incantat!Nu am cunostinte in domeniu dar pur si simplu imi catifeleaza sufletul! Asta simt cand le privesc!
Multumesc ,Sma!

Unknown said...

Multumesc mult pentru urari Ela! Si pentru aprecierile la adresa picturilor mele. Cred ca e locul cel mai special din sufletul meu si de aceea imi vine greu sa-l arat ( sa-mi arat tablourile) , poate de teama de a nu fi "lovita" in vreun fel.
Si totusi ceva din interior imi spune sa nu ma tem. Sunt emotiile mele sincere aratate in culori ... Si iata ca tu te bucuri alaturi de mine privindu-le.
Eu iti multumesc Ela. Imi dai curaj! Te pup, Sma
P.S. Nu stiu cum sa ajung la blogul tau...