When the sun rises I think of a new day as a new world I want to meet. So,in my eyes I see the colour of a rose full of dew drops. In my mind are all the wonderful places i saw or hope to see and in my heart there is the emotion of a new adventure. Come with me in my world of beauty!

House of roses

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.
Carl Jung
The more frightening the world becomes...the more art becomes abstract.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


we try to be like angels
prayers give us

raise up your arms and
sing .

you'll start to climb
over the clouds
in the light
of Love.


myosotis said...

This just makes my heart soar...like the colors of the sea these days...

Autumn said...

Beautiful, as always :)

Shosannah said...

Inspiring, thanks so much for sharing :)

@irina_sweet_home said...


p.s.mi-a placut sa rasfoiesc blogul tau, e atat de frumos tot ce ai creat, multumesc ca mi-ai dat ocazia sa fiu aici!

Teodo said...

Beautiful words and wonderful painting.
ciao ciao