When the sun rises I think of a new day as a new world I want to meet. So,in my eyes I see the colour of a rose full of dew drops. In my mind are all the wonderful places i saw or hope to see and in my heart there is the emotion of a new adventure. Come with me in my world of beauty!

House of roses

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.
Carl Jung
The more frightening the world becomes...the more art becomes abstract.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Wind in the Willows




Thursday, June 28, 2007

7 things about me ;)

Am fost nominalizata de Dora sa scriu 7 lucruri despre mine si apoi sa nominalizez alte 7 persoane sa faca acelasi lucru despre ele. Sunt curioasa ce veti spune despre mine... si despre... voi ;).
Iata ce am de zis :

  1. Imi plac diminetile.
  2. Sunt dependenta de culori.
  3. Admir originalitatea frantuzeasca dar stilul british ma face sa ma simt bine.
  4. Am 3 Sf-uri preferate: ET, Substanta verde si K-PAX.
  5. Citesc poeziile cu emotia din adolescenta.
  6. Cand stau in fata sevaletului ascult Katie Melua.
  7. Nicolae Steinhard mi-a aratat calea catre Dumnezeu.

Iata-i pe cei 7 nominalizati de mine:Rodo , Silvain , AutumnRose , Freddi , Teodo , Pia , Jo in NZ

I have been tagged by Dora to post seven random facts about me and then to tag seven other people.
Here are seven random facts about me:

1.I like mornings.

2.I’m addicted to colors.

3.I admire the French originality but British style makes me feel good.

4. My 3 favorite SF movies are: E.T., Soylent Green, K-PAX.

5.I enjoy poetry as I did in my teenage years.

6.When I’m in front of my easer I listen to Katie Melua.

7 Nicolae Steihardt has shown me the way to God.

And now, the other 7: Rodo , Silvain , AutumnRose , Freddi , Teodo , Pia , Jo in NZ

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


The monastery "Cozia" (1386-1388) .


Prayers for family and friends.

Friday, June 22, 2007

The wings of morning

Visele mele

vorbe nespuse,

pasari albe

cautandu-si cerul.

Ochiul inchis

de teama sa nu piarda

imaginea albastrului

abia rasarit.

As vrea sa iau cu mine

Aripile acestei dimineti

Si sa le daruiesc inserarii.

My dreams

Unutterable words,

White birds

Looking for the sky.

The eye shut

For fear of losing

The image of the blue

Just risen.

I wish to take with me

The wings of this morning

And give them to the night-fall.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

In the sun

What shall I choose?
moon or sun...
light or shadows...
song or silence...
I wonder.
But when I think of a bird
I hear a song
coming from
the sun
the light...

and a feather
in my hand.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Out of the box

I decided to get out of the box.
Last days I" imagined"a little poetry wrote by a Romanian poet, Nichita Stanescu, who impressed me when I was a student and now as well.
Love is the feeling who brings us in a mood, where" she" and"he' are as fragile as glass.
I used fabrics painted with natural methods, using onion, walnut leafs and gooseberry.
Look, this is the poetry :

"Daca intr-o zi ti-as saruta talpa piciorului,nu-i asa ca ai schiopata putin de teama
sa nu-mi strivesti sarutul?"

"If one day I would kiss the sole of your foot, wouldn’t you limp afraid of crushing it?"

And here is my imagination's work:

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Despre Ingeri- About Angels by Andrei Plesu

Sa razi cu hohote cand citesti despre ingeri?
Sa-ti doresti cu febrilitate sa deschizi din nou cartea
dar sa-ti planifici totul in asa fel incat lectura sa se intinda cat mai mult posibil?
Teologie, spiritualitae,filosofie...
cursuri si conferinte..
Asa se numesc, cred.
Pentru mine,
Cartea e intalnirea cu ingerii.
Multumesc Domnule Plesu!

This book is the meeting with the world of Angels,
that whorld wich represents the space between us and God.
Not quite theological
But so open to our human way of thinking .
Mr Andrei Plesu shows me
the way to My Angel.
Thank You Mr Plesu.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


I am sure that love is
something that
God loves.
I think that love IS God.
I believe that love
never ends.
Love fulfills our universe
an angel
Must be
the guardian
of each love.
Love needs three.

I colored this, after I've read the article "l’Amore non può essere a due"
on Freddie's blog. Thank you br Freddie for the theme.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Summer dream

It's a dream about colors and scents.
Each element of this dream has a name
names are not important for me.
Only the shapes,
near the water
and the sound
made by a nightingale
in the middle of the night...
My village
under the black velvet
and the dream
about a hot summers day.
A drop of ink from the sky
sprinkles the ruff
of my house.
And the dream

C’est un rêve de couleurs et de parfums.
Chaque élément de ce rêve a un nom
Les noms ne sont pas importants pour moi.
Seulement les formes,
Près de l’eau
Et le son
D’un rossignol
Dans la nuit...
Mon village
Sous le noir velours
Et le rêve
D’une journée toride d’été.
Une goutte d’encre du ciel
Arrose le toit
De ma maison.
Et le rêve
Continue à couler...

translation by Rodocrozit

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Casa Trandafirilor are de azi o mascota.
E papusa Fanny.
Ea vine azi in mov ca florile parfumate de lavanda pe care le contine rochita ei .
In curand o veti vedea in alte toalete si cu alte accesorii.
Azi si-a pus palarioara pentru ca a avut o zi insorita.
Va invitam sa o vedeti la ea acasa: www.casatrandafirilor.ro

P.S. De azi, Casa Trandafirilor s-a imbogatit cu un serviciu de newsletter. Va asteptam sa va abonati si veti primi pe email ultimele noutati.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Roses and lilies at House of roses

Sad days :(

I like dreaming.
It's my way to pass
another life deep in my mind.
Most of the time
my dreams
come trough.
I now
that my guardian angel
is near by.
Today I put two lamps in my garden
and hope
that the angel will turn his face
on me
and on my dear sad friends.

Imi place sa visez.
E felul in care traiesc adanc in mine.
De cele mai multe ori
visele mi se implinesc.
Atunci stiu ca ingerul pazitor este aproape.
Astazi am pus doua felinare in gradina
si sper ca ingerul isi va intoarce fata
catre mine
si catre prietenele mele triste.